Sept 13, 2021 - City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting Monday September 13th, 2021
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Bill Voss.
Roll Call: Bauer, Carter, Ellis, Greiner, Voss.
Voss moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Bauer moved approval of the minutes from August 9th, 2021 and August 25th, 2021 as posted and published, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Carter, Ellis. Abstain: Voss.
Ellis moved approval of the August 31st, 2021 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Bauer moved approval of the September Expenditures, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
No action taken regarding submitted well repair invoice. Questions remain.
Linn County Sheriff report was received there were 35 calls for service from August 9th, 2021 through September 13th, 2021. Report was placed on file.
Wastewater Operator Chad McCleary of ION Environmental Solutions was present to report on monthly operations.
Bauer introduced Ordinance No. 221 Amending the Code of Ordinances of the City of Walford by Replacing Provisions Pertaining to Animal Protection and Control with minor corrections, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Bauer moved approval of Waivement of the Second and Third Reading of Ordinance No. 221 Replacing Provisions Pertaining to Animal Protection and Control, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Ellis, Greiner, Voss. No: Carter.
Voss moved approval of the Final Adoption of Ordinance No. 221 Replacing Provisions Pertaining to Animal Protection and Control, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Ellis, Greiner, Voss. No: Carter.
Bauer introduced Resolution No. 9-21-1 Amending Resolution 6-21-7 Setting Employee Wages, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Carter, Greiner, Voss. Abstain: Ellis.
Voss introduced Resolution No. 9-21-2 Authorizing Clerk to Transfer General Fund to Sewer Fund correction of SRF Deposit, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Ellis introduced Resolution No. 9-21-3 Approval of FY 20/21 Annual Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing Report, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Voss introduced Resolution No. 9-21-4 approving the FY 20/21 Annual State Finance Report, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Carter introduced Resolution No. 9-21-5 Approving Pay Estimate 1 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Ultraviolet Disinfection Project in the amount of $63,684.87, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Greiner introduced Resolution No. 9-21-6 Approving Change Order No. 1 for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvement Ultraviolet Disinfection Project in the amount of $8,803.20, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Change order was purchase of Compact Composite Sampler.
City Engineer Dave Hagan was present to report on projects and answer questions. Wastewater project start date September 22, 2021. 2022 1st Avenue E asphalt project estimate to be presented at October meeting.
Clerk Reported on Federal America Relief Fund Report due October 31, 2021 requested assistance to complete report by Federal deadline. City Engineer Dave Hagan offered assistance.
Gary Ellis, reported on televising findings of Sanitary Sewer Lines. Additional work forth coming.
Bauer moved to award Fall Crack Seal Proposal to Gee Asphalt of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in the amount of $22,091.47 seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous. Two proposals were received.
Greiner moved approval of the renewal of Class LC Liquor License/Sunday Sales/Outdoor Endorsement for Wild Hogs Saloon and Ponderosa Hall Ballroom, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Carter moved approval of the renewal of Class LE Liquor License/Sunday Sales for the Walford BP, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Bauer moved approval of the renewal of General Fund 12 Month CD, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Ellis moved approval of the Advertisement of Wastewater Lab Equipment/Ties for sale, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Aye: Bauer, Ellis, Greiner, Voss. No: Carter.
Discussion was held regarding maintenance position applications. 11 applications received. Interviews will be scheduled soon.
Bauer moved approval of the appointment of Sarah Hebert to the Park and Recreation Board, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
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Park and Recreation September 7th, 2021 minutes received and placed on file.
Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: DOT contacted city regarding traffic on 151 and possible future improvements, Prairie sign installation progress, possibility of ownership change with the
Ponderosa Ballroom.
Bauer moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 p.m., seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.
August Building Permits Approved: Martindale (Fence).
Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 495.56; (Sewer Fund) 21,185.95; (Garbage Fund) 13,243.58; (Local Option Tax) 4,880.24; (SRF) 8,380.00 (Road Use Taxes) 13,591.99; ((American Cares Act Funding) 107,669.60. Revenue Totals:$169,446.92.
General and Sewer Fund Expenditures:
Absolute Security Systems (Monitoring/Maint) 444.00
Alliant (Electric) 3,398.20
BP Credit Card (Gas) 343.01
City Laundering (Rugs/Towels/Uniforms) 290.20
CJ Cooper (Clearinghouse Query) 120.00
Elli, Gary (Wages) 3,760.00
Evans Computer (Ant-Virus/tec support) 220.80
Ever-Green Nursery (Mulch) 3,300.00
Federal Tax Payment 2,671.00
Gaddis Estates (Water Standpipe Repair) 541.00
Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,434.58
Gazette (Publications) 1,219.07
Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 121.95
Holland Law Office ( Attorney) 402.50
Iowa Municipal Finance (Certification Renewal) 50.00
IPERS (Withholdings) 1,335.32
Office Express (Office Supplies) 27.94
Orkin (Hall Spray) 63.00
Port”O”Jonny (Restrooms) 206.00
Rick, Howard (Wages) 1,920.00
Sevig Utilities (Water) 36.50
South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 249.77
Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 150.00
TruGreen (Weed Spraying) 2,010.50
US Cellular (Cell Phone) 68.34
United Health Care (Insurance) 1,054.10
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc (Engineer) 7,262.50
Visa Business: (Postmaster) 21.00; (Microsoft) 52.50;
(Indeed) 26.60; (Gateway Hotel) 266.56 (Conference) 53.09;
(Wal-Mart) 37.17
Voss, Bill (Cell Phone) 50.00
Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 38.99
Sewer Fund Expenditures:
Alliant (Electric) 2,654.01
Central State Bank (Fees) 115.50
Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,434.59
Iowa One Call (Locations) 29.70
ION Environmental Solutions (Operations) 4,550.00
Ken-Way Trucking (Vac/Power Wash) 1,512.50
Postmaster 186.00
South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 89.08
Veenstra & Kimm, Inc. (Engineer) 8,395.00
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Garbage Fund Expenditures:
Benton County Disposal (Tipping Fees) 1,472.23
(Landfill) 9,509.50
Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 7,922.00
Expenditure Total: 73,116.30
Bill Voss
Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO
City Clerk
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