Fire Department
For Emergencies call 911
The City of Walford uses the Fairfax Fire Department for fire protection and prevention in the city. There is a station at the city hall and one in Fairfax.
Walford Address:
City Hall, 120 5th St N, Walford, IA 52351
Fairfax Address:
Fairfax Fire Department, 525 Vanderbilt ST, Fairfax, IA 52228
Phone: (319) 846-3178
Sheriff Department
For Emergencies Call 911
For Non Emergencies call 319-398-3911
The City of Walford is in contract with the Linn County Sheriffs Department starting July 1st, 2018. The Sheriff is Brian Gardner.
Linn County Sheriff’s Office:
310 2nd Avenue SW
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52404
Golf Cart inspections call: 319-398-3911