July 5th, 2022 - Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes

Walford Park and Recreation Minutes

Regular Meeting                                                                                                           Tuesday July 5th, 2022

Meeting called to order at 7:02pm.  Primmer, Miner, Lane, Davis, Hebert present


Motion to approve June minutes by Lane.  Seconded by Hebert.  Approved unanimous.


Knapp Creek swing set discussion.

Question has been raised about adding a swing set - follow up actions needed to estimate space requirements and space availability.  Cost estimation also needed in order to determine budget needs.  Further discussion tabled pending estimations of cost and space.  T-type swings used at the ball diamond park to be used as the example for space and cost estimations.


Benches for basketball court

Addition of a bench for each side of the basketball court proposed.  Placement discussed, and would be both placed on the east side of the court.  Current lead time discussed as likely to be several months.  Pricing will be secured in order to allocate funds for order/purchase at the August meeting.


Walford Fun Days

Self-organized committee members Paula Heber and Melissa Werner present to outline their ideas and possible events and potential business sponsorships for specific events.  Several questions were raised and answered regarding budget, sponsor management, invoicing, and utilization of city property for potential events.


General Equipment/Grounds/Maintenance

More fill dirt required at pickle ball court following the extension work - follow up needed in order to have soil prepared for seeding in the fall.

Knapp Creek Park playground equipment steps are worn and may require re-coating.

Fencing behind small diamond plate is bent up and allows balls to pass through to the bleachers behind- requires follow up.


Motion to adjourn by Hebert.  Seconded by Miner.  Meeting adjourned 7:50.


Jennifer Lane



Pat Miner
