February 8, 2024 - Parks & Rec Meeting Minutes

Walford Park and Recreation Minutes

Regular Meeting                                                                                                Thursday February8th, 2024


Meeting called to order at 7:03pm.  Werner, Miner, Hebert, Heber, Davis present.


Motion to approve minutes from January 2nd meeting.  Seconded by Davis.  Motion carried.


Review of ongoing receipt of registrations for baseball/softball teams.  Sign up is working well and progressing.  


T-ball discussion.  Werner has discussed collaboration with Norway T-ball schedule only for 2024.  This would keep T-ball on Sundays as it has been historically.  This would shift away from Fairfax/Hwy 151 T-ball league that would otherwise shifted to Tuesday/Thursday schedule that conflicts with several other team schedules.  Motion to support move to Sunday game collaboration with Norway by Miner, seconded by Werner.  Approved unanimous.


General Equipment Grounds/Maintenance – no actions at this time


Motion to adjourn by Hebert, seconded by Heber.  Meeting adjourned 8:12pm.






__________________________________ Melissa Werner, Chairperson



__________________________________ Pat Miner,  Secretary 


parks and recTyce Hoskins