February 11, 2025 - City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting February11, 2025
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm, by Mayor Todd Gibbs
Roll Call: Bauer, Ellis, Greiner & Jones. Grimm was absent.
Jones moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous
Ellis moved approval of the minutes from 1/14 & 1/27, seconded by Jones. Roll Call: Jones, Bauer
& Ellis. Greiner abstained
Bauer moved approval of the 1/31 Treasurers Report, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous
Ellis moved approval of the February Expenditures, seconded by Jones. Roll Call: Unanimous
Chad McCleary from ION Environmental Services was onsite to deliver wastewater treatment report
Hunter Schulte was onsite to deliver V&K engineer report
Ellis moved to set Public Hearing date for FY 25/26 proposed Property Tax Levy for Tuesday April 1st, 2025 at 6:00 pm, seconded by Jones. Roll Call: Unanimous
Greiner moved to reschedule Regular April 8th meeting to April 1st, 2025 at 6:15 pm, seconded by Jones. Roll Call: Unanimous
FY 23/24 Audit Findings were reviewed
Bauer moved approval of resolution 2-25-1 authorizing Transfer of General Fund Dollars into 12-Month CD, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous
Greiner moved approval of Purple Wave Internet Auction Agreement, seconded by Ellis.
Roll Call: Unanimous
Linn County Sheriff’s report dated 1/14-2/11 received & placed on file. There were 22 calls forservice.
Melissa Werner was available to deliver P&R Minutes for 2/4
Other items of discussion including but not limited to delinquent sewer/garbage accounts
Ellis moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:44 pm, seconded by Jones. Roll Call: Unanimous
Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 47,222.90 (Sewer Fund) 22,893.49 (Garbage Fund) 13,526.09
(Road Use Tax) 16,230.81 Total Revenue 99,873.29
General & Road Use Tax Expenditures:
Allegra (P&R Newsletter) 211.79
Alliant (Electric) 4305.36
City Laundry (Rugs/Uniforms) 406.92
Depot Express (Gas) 557.70
Ellis, Elizabeth (Janitor) 162.00
Evans Computer (Tech Support) 218.81
Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 4301.40
Four Star Home Improvements (Soffit/Facia Repair) 400.00
Gazette (Publications) 139.16
Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 70.88
IPERS (Withholdings) 2886.12
Menards (Supplies) 126.29
Meyers, Tom (Wages) 3528.00
Miller, Dan (Wages) 4073.60
Pomp’s Tire (Tire Cables) 180.00
Postmaster (P&R Fliers) 119.90
Richardt, Tami (Wages) 4630.40
Sevig Utility (Water) 55.00
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 332.30
Sunrise Sheds (Park Shed) 2208.40
The Hartford (Group Life Ins) 65.40
United Heath (Insurance) 2444.87
US Cellular (Cell Phones) 152.32
Veenstra & Kimm (Engineering) 21,974.95
Visa (USPS) 9.68
Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 2399.53
Sewer Fund Expenditures:
Alliant (Electric) 3719.74
Aquafix (Midgefly Complete) 702.79
IA Dept of Rev (Monthly Sales Tax) 183.90
Iowa One Call (Locates) 19.80
ION (Operations) 4550.00 (Labs) 176.00
Postmaster (Billing/462) 258.72
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 107.33
Garbage Fund Expenditures:
Benton Co Solid Waste (Tipping Fees) 282.90 (Landfill) 5876.00
Johnson Co Refuse (Hauling) 7922.00
Expenditure Totals: 79,759.96
_______________________________ Todd Gibbs, Mayor
________________________________Tami Richardt, City Clerk