1-13-14 City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular MeetingJanuary 13th, 2014 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Mark Carter.Roll Call: Goodwin, Hoskins, Huber, Kane and Plogman were present. None absent.Hoskins moved approval of the agenda with the deletion of the Reappointment of City Engineer Hart Frederick Consultants, seconded Kane. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Hoskins moved approval the December 31st, 2013 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of the minutes from December 9th, 2013 as posted and published, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Huber moved approval of the January Expenditures, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Ayes: 5.Motion Carried.Citizens were present to observe.Kane introduced Resolution No. 1-14-1 approving the Reappointment and Compensation Schedule of City Attorney Erek Sittig, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Huber moved approval of the Reappointment of Jill Jaster and Tom Meyers to the Park and Recreation Board, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Goodwin introduced Resolution No. 1-14-2 setting Public Hearing and Letting for the Pedestrian Trail Project for February 10th, 2014 at 7:00 p.m., seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Budget work session scheduled for Monday January 27th, 2014.Amy Ellis of the Park and Recreation Board was present to report on the following programs: Election of 2014 Officers, great response to the Christmas party and pedestrian trail discussion. Minutes received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Benton County Landfill 28E agreement status, sewer plant flow meter repair estimates, sewer plant lights, replacement of computer in clerk’s office, repair spring for garage door and street light.Huber moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5.Motion Carried.Building permits approved in December: Media Quest Signs (BP Sign).Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 12,131.48; (Sewer Fund) 9,927.25; (Road Use Tax) 11,528.69(Local Option Tax) 3,650.81; (Garbage Fund) 9,789.70; (Tax Increment) 2,110.64. Totals: 49,138.57.General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Advanced Systems (Maint/Copy) 43.38Alliant (Electric) 3,520.24Banyon Data Systems (Software) 129.00Benton County Auditor (Election) 1,892.98Custom Hose (Filters) 45.90Ellis, Gary (Salary) 2,967.84Federal Tax Payment 1,572.71Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,743.57Gazette (Publications) 67.91Hart Frederick (Engineer) 2,380.00IMFOA (Dues) 40.00Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 49.34IPERS 925.70Lefebure, Mike (Snow Plowing) 200.00Page 2 of 2 Midland National Life (Insurance) 500.60Office Express (Paper) 5.99Postmaster 81.95Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80Sherwin Williams (Paint) 167.16South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 184.02Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 189.00Treasurer of State (Withholdings) 796.26(Sales Tax) 8.60Visa: 93.10 (Postage); BP (Gas) 484.50;Wal-Mart (Supplies) 102.41.Sewer Fund Expenditures:Alliant (Electric) 2,985.08Central State Bank (Auto) 45.00Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 2,522.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,743.57Postmaster (Billing) 144.54Treasurer of Sate (Sales Tax) 153.40Waste Management (Dumpster) 26.00Garbage Fund Expenditures:Waste Management (Hauling) 5,792.20Total: 31,631.55.Salaries Paid 2013Carter, Mark 2,500.00Ellis, Gary 37,976.70Gann, Janet 41,237.04Goodwin, Lonny 520.00Hoskins, Tyce 4,542.00Hoskins, Randy 520.00Huber, Mike 480.00Kane, Jeff 480.00Plogman, Brian 520.00 _____________________________Mark CarterMayor ATTEST: _____________________________Janet L. Gann, MMCCity Clerk