12-1-2015 Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation MinutesRegular Meeting December 1, 2015Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Amy Ellis.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Meyers were present. Miner and Jaster were absent.Ellis moved approval of the minutes from November 3, 2015, seconded by Meyers. Roll Call: Unanimous.Board discussed Christmas party activities and supplies with Lisa Meyers.Party scheduled for Saturday December 5, 2015 10 a.m. - Noon. Community CenterBoard would like to thank Lisa and Tom Meyers for all of their hard work.Gann moved to grant 2016 Concession Lease to Amy Ellis, seconded by Meyers. Roll Call: Ayes: Gann and Meyers. Abstain Ellis. Motion fails lack of majority.Discussion was held regarding purchase of mulch for playground at ball diamonds for Spring 2016.Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m._________________________________Amy EllisChairpersonATTEST:_________________________________Ronnie GannSecretary