12-12-16 City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council ProceedingsRegular Meeting December 12, 2016Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Randy Bauer.Roll Call: Bergmeier, Hoskins, Huber, Kane and Plogman present. None absent.Hoskins moved approval of the agenda with the correction of Park and Recreation appointment name from Todd Reed to Steve Reed, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier moved approval of the minutes from November 22, 2016 as posted and published, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman moved approval of the November 30, 2016 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Kane.Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the December Expenditures, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Mathew Saur, and Matt Cloos of MSA Professional Services was present to introduce MSAEngineering Services.Discussion was held regarding Chapter 165, Section 165.14 (2) accessory building size limits.Several residents were present to inquire about size limits and changes.Mayor to draft an amended ordinance using discussion recommendations.Kane moved approval of the LL Pelling Seal Coat Proposal for Summer of 2017 projects, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber introduced Resolution No. 12-16-1 approving the reappointment and Compensation Schedule of the City Attorney Erek Sittig, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the reappointment of City Engineer Hart-Frederick Consultants, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins moved approval of the reappointment of Mark Perlwitz to the Planning and Zoning Commission, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the appointment of Ken Patrick to the Planning and Zoning Commission, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier moved approval of the reappointment of Tom Meyers to the Park and Recreation Board, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the appointment of Steve Reed to the Park and Recreation Board, secondedby Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Park and Recreation Board minutes received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Sterling snow plow repairs, replacement of shop furnace, community center furnace insulation/sealant and Rough Riders community night.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:38 p.m., seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Unanimous.November Building Permits Approved: NoneMonths Receipts: (General Fund) 67,936.03; (Sewer Fund) 9,703.57; (Local Option Tax) 6,915.79; (Garbage Tax) 9,549.31; (Road Use Tax) 16,320.95. Total Revenue: 110,425.65General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Absolute Security (Monitoring/Maint) 444.00Advanced Systems (Maint/Copy) 57.01Alliant (Electric) 2,568.10Bauer, Randy (Salary) 1,750.00Benton County Auditor (Sheriff Fees) 3,055.00Bergmeier, Jesse (Council Meetings) 280.00Central State Bank (Loan Interest) 3,715.92City of Fairfax (Fire Services) 32,905.50;(Library Services) 2,680.00;(Fire Equipment) 3,900.90Page 2 of 3City of Norway (Fire Services) 500.00CJ Cooper & Associates (Admin. Fees) 45.00Dorsey & Whitney (Bond Council) 456.50Ellis, Gary (Salary) 3,243.08Evans Computer (Computer/ICloud) 107.09Federal Tax Payment 1,918.98Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,905.21(Mileage) 15.12Gazette (Publications) 84.61Hart-Frederick (Engineer Fees) 4,770.00Holland Law Office (Attorney) 11.50Hoskins, Randy (Council Meetings) 240.00Huber, Mike (Council Meetings) 240.00Iowa Rural Water (Membership Dues) 275.00Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 49.54IPERS 1,084.37Kane, Jeff (Council Meetings) 240.00Lefebure, Brandon (Snow Plowing) 30.00Lefebure, Mike (Snow Plowing) 230.00LL Pelling (Asphalt Work) 3,600.00Nationwide (Clerk Bond) 340.00Office Express (Office Supplies) 63.80Plogman, Brian (Council Meetings) 240.00Postmaster (News Letter) 84.15Riteway Business Forms (W’2) 63.00Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 204.19Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 180.00Truck Country (Snow Plow Repairs) 6,407.23Van Meter (Light Ballast) 347.55Visa Business; (BP) 138.00; (Wal-Mart)83.06; (Conference) 15.34; (CR Tire) 924.50;(Postmaster) 12.94Yoder, Tim (Mileage) 25.92Sewer Fund Expenditures:Alliant (Electric) 2,553.19Central State Bank (Auto Fees) 85.50Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 2,463.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,905.21Postmaster 151.30Roggentien Electric (Repairs) 1,906.95Schulte, Travis (Refund) 7.58South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 34.82Page 3 of 3Garbage Fund Expenditures:Benton County Disposal (Landfill) 12,069.25(Tipping) 566.50Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 5,498.40(Yard Waste) 360.80Schulte, Travis (Refund) 9.53Total Expenditures: 107,171.74______________________________Randy BauerMayorATTEST:______________________________Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMCCity Clerk