4-4-17 Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes
Walford Parks and Recreation MinutesRegular Meeting April 4, 2017Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Meyers, Reed were present. Miner was absent.Meyers moved approval of the minutes from March 7, 2017 as posted, seconded by Reed.Roll Call: Unanimous.Annual Easter Egg Hunt on schedule for Saturday April 8th, at 10:00 a.m.Baseball program discussion: Back ground check for volunteer coaches, schedules, and equipment purchased.Meyers moved approval of back ground checks with Prairie Youth Baseball League in the amount of $200, seconded by Reed. Roll Call: Unanimous.Discussion was held regarding Knapp Creek Park, moving forward with picking out new playground equipment to fit lot dimensions.Parks Maintenance: Mulch and new swings.Gann moved approval of $1,500.00 for mulch, seconded by Reed. Roll Call: Unanimous.Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.___________________________Amy EllisChairperson___________________________Ronnie GannSecretary