08-10-15 City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council ProceedingsRegular Meeting August 10, 2015Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m., by Mayor Randy Bauer.Roll Call: Goodwin, Kane, Plogman present. Hoskins and Huber were absent.Plogman moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the minutes from July 13, 2015 as posted and published, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane move approval of the July 31, 2015 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Plogman.Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the August Expenditures, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Unanimous.No citizen comments.Plogman introduced Resolution No. 8-15-1 approving the FY 14/15 DOT Street Finance Report, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 8-15-2 approving Pay Estimate One to Cronbaugh Excavating for the 2015 Street Culvert Rehabilitation Project, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman introduced Ordinance No. 199 amending the Walford Code of Ordinance 2012 by adding New Chapter 168 Entitled: Communication Towers and Antennas on its first reading, seconded by Kane.Roll Call: Unanimous.No action taken regarding waivement of the second and third readings of Ordinance No. 199.Kane moved to award sidewalk replacement proposal to Delaney Concrete in the amount of $15,699.78, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Mayor and Council reviewed IDNR Waste Water Inspection Report. Report placed on file.Kane moved approval to renew the General and Sewer Fund 6 month Certificates, seconded by Plogman.Roll Call: Unanimous.Park and Recreation August 4, 2015 minutes received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Property cleanup hearings, culvert work, 1st street project, and Five Seasons Stand down Day Proclamation.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m., seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Unanimous.July Building Permits Issued: Hess (Deck).Months Receipts: (General Fund) 6,755.07; (Road Use Tax) 15,043.12; (Option Tax) 8,421.71; (Garbage Fund) 10,213.65; (Sewer Fund) 10,272.39. Totals: 50,705.94.General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Advanced Systems (Maint/Copy) 46.34Alliant (Electric) 2,637.97Allegra Print (Signs) 201.55Attorney Process Service (Paper Service) 50.00Butz Insurance (Policy Addition) 822.00Cronbaugh Excavating (Culvert Project) 15,133.96Dan’s Overhead Doors (Repair) 120.00Ellis, Gary (Salary) 3,148.62Federal Tax Payment 2,092.59Future Line Truck Equip (Plow) 6,580.61Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,849.71(Mileage) 115.58Gazette (Publications) 58.99Grovert Chevrolet (Truck Liner) 550.00Hart-Frederick Consultants (Engineer) 225.00Holland Law Office (Attorney Fees) 563.50IIMC (Dues) 155.00Page 2 of 2Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 49.31IPERS 1,055.16Keltek (Lights) 660.72LL Pelling Co. (Parking Lot) 30,043.60Marengo Ready Mix (Rock) 1,393.20Menards (Supplies) 67.44Miracle Equipment (Swing Parts) 1,971.51Orkin (Hall Spray) 57.46Plotz, Matt (Labor) 1,352.00Port”O”Jonny (Restrooms) 273.50Postmaster 85.80Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 198.79Temple Display (Christmas Display) 4,661.69Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 216.00Visa: (BP) 528.85; (Wal-Mart) 37.27(Michaels) 70.60 (Postage) 16.27V&M Hoist & Crane (Repairs) 2,057.37Wendling Quarries (Rock) 297.69Sewer Fund ExpendituresAcme Electric (Repairs) 621.88Alliant (Electric) 3,612.63Central State Bank (Auto) 66.00Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 2,523.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,849.71Grainger (Flags/Paint) 147.77Postmaster 151.30Pro Ag (Water) 400.00Roto Rooter (TV/Cleaning) 3,675.00South Slope (Telephone) 35.01Visa: (Johns Lock & Key) 5.35(Postmaster) 60.66Garbage Fund ExpendituresBenton County Disposal (Tipping) 459.25Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 5,510.25Totals: 98,591.06_________________________________Randy BauerMayorATTEST:_________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMCCity Clerk