8-2-2016 Parks Meeting Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation MinutesRegular Meeting August 2, 2016Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Amy Ellis.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Meyers, and Miner. None Absent.Gann moved approval of the minutes from June 7, 2016 as posted, seconded by Meyers.Roll Call: Unanimous.Board discussed Baseball umpires, trophies and medals.Meyers moved approval of the Prairie League invoice in the amount of $1,035.25, seconded by Ellis.Roll Call: Unanimous.Discussion was held regarding upcoming State Tournament.Other areas of discussion included, but not limited to the following: Invoices for the Summer Picnic,schedule next year’s picnic by February meeting, and 5 year project planning.Meeting adjourned at 8:30.______________________________Amy EllisChairpersonATTEST:______________________________Ronnie GannSecretary