OCT-3-2017 Parks Meeting Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation MinutesRegular meeting Tuesday October 3, 2017Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Amy Ellis.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Meyers present. Miner and Reed was absent.Meyers moved approval of the minutes from September 5, 2017, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous.One bench has been installed and Knapp Creek, another to be installed in the near future at the diamonds. Benches were donated by Central State Bank.The board wishes to thank them for their generous donation.Annual Halloween Party on schedule for Saturday October 28th. 10 a.m. – Noon.Citizen was present with comments regarding Knapp Creek Park playground.Discussion included changing park hours, age limit, posting of signs. No action taken.Board discussed replacement of 20-year-old shingles on dugouts and concession stand. Cost and possible donation of shingles.Ellis moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m., seconded by Meyers. Roll Call: Unanimous._____________________________Amy Ellis, ChairpersonATTEST:______________________________Ronnie GannSecretary