March 15th, 2021 - Special City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Special Meeting Monday March 15th, 2021
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss.
Roll Call: Bauer, Carter, Pottebaum, Voss. Greiner was absent.
Pottebaum moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Two sealed proposals were received for the Modified Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrade Project. Council held a brief discussion regarding proposals.
Bauer Introduced Resolution No. 3-21-2 awarding the Modified Wastewater Treatment Plant Electrical Upgrade Project to lowest bidder Slater Electric of Cedar Rapids, Iowa in the amount of $9,233.00. seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Pottebaum moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m., seconded by Bauer. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Bill Voss
Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO
City Clerk