March 2nd, 2021 - Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation Minutes
Regular Meeting March 2, 2021
Meeting called to order 7:00. Lane, Primmer, Miner, Gann present
Motion to approve January 5, 2021 minutes by Gann, seconded by Lane. Approved unanimous.
Motion to nominate Jennifer Lane as Chairperson. Seconded by Andy. Lane abstained.
Miner, Primmer, Gann ayes. Lane abstained.
Motion by Gann to nominate Miner as Secretary. Seconded by Lane. Lane, Primmer, Gann ayes. Miner abstained.
Baseball discussion
Discussion included potential joining of the Iowa Valley League baseball. IVL board meeting on March 24th at the Newhall city hall. Further discussion included review of league rules, towns included, scheduled for games, responsibility of arranging for umpires, and concession stand plans. Further details will be clarified following league board meeting on March 24.
Citizen comments included questions regarding softball and future possibilities. If number of players reaches a number that can support teams’ options to join leagues can be considered.
Easter Egg Hunt to Central State Bank
Parks Board sponsorship in the form goods/supplies discussed. Potential pending response from Central State Bank of needed items.
Motion by Gann to approve up to $300 to sponsor the donation of items to support the Easter Egg Hunt. Seconded by Lane. Approved unanimous.
Discussion included specific discussion of potential action to add specific ordinance content regarding dogs in parks. No action taken.
Ball diamond lights - Parks Board uncertain of current situation with insurance or funding support for repair or remediation. Parks Chair to seek details of current status of lights from Mayor.
Motion to adjourn by Miner, seconded by Primmer. Meeting adjourned 8:16 pm.
Jennifer Lane
Pat Miner