May 3rd, 2021 - Walford Planning and Zoning Commission Proceedings
Walford Planning and Zoning Commission Proceedings
Regular Meeting Monday May 3rd, 2021
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Chairperson Mike Leymaster.
Roll Call: Blanchard, Brown, Butz, Leymaster. Grabe was absent.
Brown moved approved of the agenda, seconded by Butz. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Blanchard moved approval of the minutes from October 12, 2020, seconded by Brown. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Brief discussion regarding FEMA Flood Insurance Program and updated map.
Blanchard moved to recommend the passage of Ordinance No. 220 Floodplain Regulations to the
Council, seconded by Butz. Roll Call Unanimous.
Brown moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:12 p.m., seconded by Blanchard. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Mike Leymaster
Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFO
City Clerk