January 9th, 2023 - City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting January 9, 2023
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss.
Roll Call: Greiner, Grimm, Voss. Carter & Ellis were absent.
Grimm Moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Grimm Moved approval of the minutes from December 12th, 2022, seconded by Greiner.
Roll call: Unanimous
Voss Moved to approve the December 31st Treasurers Report , seconded by Grimm.
Roll call: Unanimous
Voss Moved to approve the January Expenditures, seconded by Grimm. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Linn County Sheriff’s report dated December 12th, 2022 through January 9th, 2023 was received & placed on file. There were 30 calls for service.
A public hearing was held at 7:05 pm regarding adoption of the Comprehensive Plan 2019. No written or oral objections were received.
Greiner moved to close the public hearing regarding adoption of the Comprehensive Plan 2019 at
7:09 pm, seconded by Grimm. Roll call: Unanimous
Voss introduced resolution 1-23-1 approving Comprehensive Plan 2019, seconded by Greiner.
Roll call: Unanimous
Report received from City Engineer Veenstra & Kimm & placed on file.
Chad McCleary was present to deliver report on Wastewater Treatment Plant operations.
Greiner moved to approve Prairie Road Builders Sealcoat 2023 rates, seconded by Grimm.
Roll Call: Unanimous.
Grimm moved to set Public Hearing date of FY 23/24 proposed Property Tax Levy for Monday,
February 13th, 2023 at 7:00 pm, seconded by Greiner. Roll call: Unanimous
Voss moved to schedule Budget Workshop for Monday, January 23rd, 2023 at 7:00 pm, seconded by Greiner. Roll call: Unanimous
Parks & Rec January minutes received & placed on file.
Other areas of discussion included but not limited to asking council to review FEMA map for further discussion at next council meeting as well as chapter 56 of Code of Ordinances.
Greiner moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:26pm. Seconded by Grimm. Roll Call: Unanimous.
Salaries paid 2022:
Carter, Jo Ellen 480.00
Ellis, Amy 640.00
Ellis, Gary 50,050.00
Gann, Janet 63,565.88
Greiner, Matthew 640.00
Grimm, Ashley 480.00
Miller, Dan 43,468.00
Richardt, Tami 24,872.00
Teideman, Dawn 2147.00
Voss, Aaron 520.00
Voss, Bill 3500.00
Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 85,514.38; (Sewer Fund) 21,106.34; (Garbage Fund) 12,644.51
(Road Use Tax) 16,016.71; Total Revenue 135,281.94
General & Road Use Tax Expenditures:
Ace Electric (Generator Maintenance) 2908.00
Alliant (Electric) 4002.10
ASCO Power Services (Generator Transfer Switch) 1883.00
BP (Gas) 499.92
Brown, Chessa (Janitorial Services) 292.50
City Laundering (Towels/Uniforms/Rugs) 398.84
Ellis, Gary (Wages) 2012.96
Evans Computer (TEC Support) 350.46
Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 9235.40
Future Line (Hand Control for Snowplow) 338.00
Gann, Janet (Wages) 1765.44 (Benefit Payout) 12,456.29
(Previous Months Wages) 147.12
Gazette (Publications) 160.81
Gee Asphalt (Power Salt) 1193.10
Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 104.26
Iowa Dept of Revenue (Q4 State Withholdings) 1895.66
IPERS (Withholdings) 2691.47
Midwest Computer (Hard drive Destruction) 20.00
Miller, Dan (Wages) 1795.20
Office Express (Office Supplies) 174.23
Richardt, Tami (Wages) 1896.00
Riteway (Tax Forms) 267.00
Sevig Utility (Water) 55.00
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 312.32
Stericycle Inc (Document Shredding) 828.99
The Hartford (Group Life Insurance) 87.20
United Health Care (Health Insurance) 2304.64
Veenstra & Kimm (1st Ave E Overlay Project) 1080.00
Visa (USPS) 8.09 (Solberg’s) 100.19 (Zoom) 14.99 (Amazon) 27.97 (Staples) 92.98
Voss, Bill (Cell Allowance) 50.00
Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 77.98
Sewer Fund Expenditures:
Alliant (Electric) 2322.19
Ace Electric (Generator Maintenance) 1047.28
ASCO Power Services (Generator Transfer Switch) 1883.00
Iowa Dept of Revenue (Monthly Sales Tax) 163.74
Iowa One Call (Locations) 32.40
ION (Operations) 4550.00
Jetco (Blower Repair) 436.75
Postmaster (Billing/465) 204.60
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 94.15
Garbage Fund Expenditures:
Benton Co Disposal (Tipping Fees) 1174.84
Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 114.00
Johnson Co. Refuse (Hauling/466) 7922.00
Expenditure Totals: 71,473.06
Bill Voss, Mayor
Tami Richardt, City Clerk