July 2, 2024 - Parks & Rec Meeting Minutes

Walford Park and Recreation Minutes

Regular Meeting                                                                                                Tuesday July 2nd, 2024

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  Hebert, Miner, Werner present.

Motion by Miner to approve June 4, 2024 minutes.  Seconded by Hebert.  Approved unanimous.

Discussion regarding 2024 softball/baseball season:

More than 70 kids signed up to play for teams in Walford this season, 7 teams (2 T-ball, 2 coach-pitch, 2 LL softball 1 LL baseball) plus PL softball combined with Norway to make one team.

Number of teams and participants was higher than expected which is great and also caused some challenges, including scheduling when multiple teams were playing or practicing on the same day/evening.  A suggestion to consider updating the small diamond at the main city park with a lime infield will be considered by the board, as t-ball and coach pitch teams could better use that facility for practice and alleviate some conflicts at the small baseball/softball diamond. Scheduling umpires was also a challenge, and pay rates needed to compete have increased.

Motion by Werner to update umpire pay rates to the following on a per game basis:

Certified umpire, home plate - $60 per game

Non-certified umpire, home plate - $40 per game

Certified or non-certified umpire, bases - $40 per game

Seconded by Miner.  Approved unanimous.

Regarding rental agreement for ball diamonds: proposal to review rental contract and possibly modify to clearly indicate responsible party must be a resident of Walford.  Potential action to be taken at August Parks Board meeting.  

Regarding concession stand, discussion included ways to improve volunteer support for concession stand and improve pre-season communication to parents and potential volunteers needed.  IVL membership includes expectation that all towns in the IVL have an operational concession stand at home games.

Discussion regarding Parks Board direction – it was noted there remains an open seat on the board

Discussion regarding Pickle Ball Court:

Board member Davis joined by phone to provide an update.  Courts 4 Sports has confirmed warranty replacement of the existing playing surface.  New tiles, specifically designed for pickle ball have been ordered from the manufacturer.  Installation date to be determined, pending delivery of replacement tiles from the manufacturer.

Future parks plans and initiatives: tabled to August meeting, no action taken.


Motion by Miner to approve the following as Parks Board policy regarding access to the ball diamonds, seconded by Hebert
Parks Board policy regarding access to the large and small ball diamonds:
Walk-in gates to the large and small diamond will be unlocked form April 1 to October 31, with the following exceptions: Field conditions are unfit for use due to weather or any other environmental condition or maintenance issue creating safety hazards to users or risk of damage to the grounds or facilities. A diamond has been dragged, chalked, or otherwise prepared for a specific scheduled game or rental. The large diamond will be locked the day of the annual fireworks display to ensure sufficient safety distance from the fireworks launch area beyond the centerfield fence. During and after pesticide or fertilizer applications as required. Parks Board may review and update this policy at any time.

Approved unanimous.

Motion to adjourn by Werner, seconded by Hebert.  Meeting adjourned at 8:56 pm.


 __________________________________ Melissa Werner,  Chairperson

__________________________________ Pat Miner,  Secretary