June 4, 2024 - Parks & Rec Meeting Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation Minutes
Regular Meeting Tuesday June 4th, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:03 PM. Davis, Hebert, Miner, Werner present.
Motion by Davis to approve May 7, 2024 minutes, seconded by Hebert. Approved unanimous.
Baseball/softball program:
One item of discussion of concession stand for future.
No outstanding items regarding supplies, jerseys, or payments.
Future items to consider beyond 2024:
Concession stand lease and operation. In addition it was noted that the city does have a pest control vendor for City Hall and the concession stand/storage buildings at the ball diamonds may be able to utilize this service as well.
Future of umpire fees - competition for umpires and limited availability of umpires has increased the amount that umpires are paid. Proposal is to raise pay for certified umpires to: $60 per game for home plate, $40 per game field. Non certified umpires $45 per game for home plate, $40 per game field.
Parks and Rec committee future:
A vacancy now exists on the board due to board member resignation.
Discuss/action regarding pickle ball court:
Complaints received in the last several days via Fairfax Parks staff about safety concerns expressed by Fairfax/Walford league players. Walford residents were present who play regularly and do not have any concerns about safety, but do have issue with the surface that does not play evenly and several questions were asked about possible actions to remedy court surface. Board member Davis to contact installer regarding warranty of the surface tiles due to poor performance of the tile surface and replacement/alternative surface options.
Citizen comments:
Several citizens have observed what they describe as a lack of mowing timely and an unacceptable height of the grass in multiple city park areas, and specifically at the main city park. It was also observed that trash has been accumulating in the ditch areas around the main city park and in areas at the ball diamonds with no visible action by the city to clean up these areas periodically.
Several citizens raised the question of how volunteers can offer assistance to the city on matters of parks maintenance and upkeep. Residents would like to help and have at times in the past but are uncertain of what is allowed and what the city can allow for insurance/liability reasons. Board will follow up with City Council and Mayor Gibbs to get clarity.
Motion to adjourn by Miner. Seconded by Hebert. Meeting adjourned at 7:54pm
__________________________________ Melissa Werner, Chairperson
__________________________________ Pat Miner, Secretary