March 12, 2024 - City Council Meeting Minutes
(Subject to Approval)
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting March 12,2024
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Todd Gibbs
Roll Call: Bauer, Ellis, Greiner. Jones entered via zoom at 6:00 pm & left meeting at 6:04 pm due to technical issues. Grimm was absent
Ellis moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Greiner. Roll Call: Unanimous
Greiner moved approval of the minutes from 2/13/24, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous
Greiner moved approval of the minutes from 2/21/24, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Greiner, Ellis& Jones. Bauer abstained
Bauer moved approval of the 2/29/24 Treasurers Report, seconded by Greiner. Roll call: Greiner, Ellis & Bauer. Jones abstained
Ellis moved approval of the March Expenditures, seconded by Bauer. Roll Call: Unanimous
Wayne from LRS was here to speak to staffing/service issues & what is being done to mitigate them going forward
Chad from ION Environmental Services was present to deliver the wastewater treatment plant report
Eric Gould & Hunter Schulte from Veenstra & Kimm were present to introduce themselves as our new points of contact
Greiner moved approval of the EMC estimated rate increases, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call:Unanimous
Bauer moved approval of the Street Sweeping Bid from Kluesner Construction, seconded by Ellis.
Roll Call: Unanimous
Linn County Sheriff’s report dated 2/13/24 - 3/12/24 was received & placed on file. There were 15 calls for service.
Greiner moved approval of New Class E Liquor License/Sunday Sales for The Depot Walford LLC, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous
Parks & Rec March minutes were received & placed on file. Parks chairperson was present to discuss report & requested locks for the ball diamonds.
Other item of discussion included but not limited to replacing water fountain at City Hall
Ellis moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:36pm, seconded by Grimm. Roll Call: Unanimous
Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 11,133.13 (Sewer Fund) 23,796.49 (Garbage Fund) 13,258.38
(Road Use Tax) 14,067.54 Total Revenue 62,255.54
General & Road Use Tax Expenditures:
Alliant (Electric) 3506.56
BP (Gas) 95.82
Brown, Chessa (Janitorial) 229.50
City Laundering (Towels/Uniforms/Rugs) 446.08
Consolidated Energy (Grease) 124.95
Cronbaugh Excavating (Dam Removal) 3000.00
Evans Computer (Office/Tech Support) 362.03
Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 1356.52
Gazette (Publications) 124.54
Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 94.36
IPERS (Withholdings) 1832.48
Iowa Prison Ind. (Signs) 459.25
Liberty Doors (Station Door) 2775.00
Menards (Supplies) 162.51
Meyers, Tom (Wages) 3360.00
Midwest Wheel (Lights) 74.76
Miller, Dan (Wages) 3880.00
Office Express (Supplies) 125.59
Overhead Door (Station Door Repair) 179.50
Richardt, Tami (Wages) 4409.60
Sevig Utility (Water) 55.00
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 317.53
The Hartford (Group Life Ins) 65.40
United Healthcare (Ins) 2205.47
US Cellular (Cell Phones) 165.90
Visa (Zoom) 15.99 (Theisen’s) 255.23
Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 77.98
Sewer Fund Expenditures:
Alliant (Electric) 2311.98
Iowa Dept of Revenue (Monthly Sales Tax) 173.84
ION (Operations) 4550.00
Postmaster (Billing/462) 244.86
South Slope (Phone/Internet) 107.12
Garbage Fund Expenditures:
Benton Co Solid Waste (Tipping Fees) 851.00
Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 115.00
Johnson Co Refuse (Hauling/466) 7922.00
Expenditure Totals: 47,389.87
_______________________________ Todd Gibbs, Mayor
________________________________Tami Richardt, City Clerk