05-19-2015 City Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting Tuesday May 19, 2015Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Randy Bauer.Roll Call: Goodwin, Hoskins, Huber, Kane, Plogman were present. None absent.Kane moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the minutes from April 20, 2015 as posted and published, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman moved approval of the April 30, 2015 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Kane.Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins moved approval of the May Expenditures, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.A Public Hearing was held at 7:04 p.m., regarding Amendment to the Urban Renewal Plan for the Walford Urban Renewal Area. No written and or oral objections received.Huber moved to close Urban Renewal Plan Amendment Hearing at 7:05 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.A Public Hearing was held at 7:06 p.m., regarding Development Agreement between the City of Walford and KEG Properties, LLC. No written objections received. Council Member Goodwin opposed agreement.Huber moved to close Development Agreement Hearing at 7:09 p.m., seconded by Plogman.Roll Call: Unanimous.A Public Hearing was held at 7:10 p.m., regarding FY 14/15 Budget Amendment. No written and or oral objections received.Hoskins moved to close FY 14/15 Budget Amendment Hearing at 7:11 p.m., seconded by Kane.Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 5-15-1 approving the Urban Renewal Plan Amendment for the Walford Urban Renewal Area, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: Hoskins, Huber, Kane, Plogman. No: Goodwin. Motion Carried.Kane introduced Resolution No. 5-15-2 approving the Development Agreement with KEG Properties, LLC Authorizing Annual Appropriation Tax Increment Payments and Pledging Certain Tax Increment Revenues to the Payment of the Agreement, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: Hoskins, Huber, Kane, Plogman. No: Goodwin. Motion Carried.Plogman introduced Resolution No. 5-15-3 approving the FY 14/15 Budget Amendment, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins introduced Resolution No. 5-15-4 approving Plans, Specs and Form of Contract for the 2015 First Street Culvert Rehabilitation Project, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 5-15-5 Award of Contract for the 2015 First Street Culvert Rehabilitation Project to Roger’s Concrete in the amount of $23,404.00, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Benton County Engineer, Myron Parizek was present to answer questions regarding 28E Agreement.Hoskins moved approval of the 28E County Project Agreement, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the LL Pelling Seal Coat Proposal, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman moved approval of Gee Asphalt Crack Seal Proposal, seconded by Hoskins.Roll Call: Unanimous.Mayor and Council reviewed 2015 Bridge Inspection Report. No action taken.FY 15/16 Fairfax Library Contract was tabled.Huber moved approval of the Red Cross Shelter Agreement, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman moved approval-authorizing Mayor to proceed with abandoned building legal action, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Page 2 of 3 Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: City Clerk’s office break in, receipt of Larry McGurk correspondence, and Fireworks Show Saturday June 13th at dusk.Hoskins moved to adjourn the 7:48 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.April Building Permits Approved: Wild Hogs (Pavilion/Stage); Dawley (Fence); Scott (Deck); Brown (Addition); Saikaly (Shed); Saikaly (Concrete); Scovel (Portable Shed).Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 229,193.44; (Road Use Tax) 10,512.22; (Local Option Tax) 3,220.50;(Sewer Fund) 11,654.70; (Garbage Fund) 10,620.07. Totals: 265,200.93.General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Ace Electric (Generator Maint) 288.31Advanced Systems (Copy count/Maint) 51.35Alliant (Electric) 2,426.92Benton County Auditor (Sheriff Fees) 2,925.00Benton County Clerk of Court (Filing) 235.00Butz Insurance (Insurance) 734.25Ellis, Gary (Salary) 3,056.92Ever-Green Landscape (Mulch) 1,320.00Federal Tax Payment 1,791.58Firehouse Pyrotechnics (Fireworks/Insurance) 7,500.00Gee Asphalt (Salt) 4,017.37Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,795.83Gazette (Publications) 234.03Hart Frederick (Engineer) 805.00Iowa League of Cities (Academy) 210.00Iowa Wireless (Cell) 49.42IPERS 1,016.08Linn County Treasurer (Bridge Inspections) 305.00Menards (Materials/Supplies) 323.35Midway Outdoor Equipment (Parts) 104.98Monticello Sports (Hats/T-shirts/Jerseys) 2,738.75Orkin (Hall Spray) 56.62Port”O”Jonny (Restrooms) 304.20Postmaster (News Letter) 85.80Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 162.80Tiedeman, Dawn (April Janitorial) 216.00Visa: (BP) 118.75; (Wal-Mart) 36.67;(Theisen’s) 25.96; (Holiday Inn) 218.27Yoder, Tim (Mileage) 53.76Sewer Fund Expenditures:Ace Electric (Generator) 635.50Alliant (Electric) 2,434.85Central State Bank (Auto) 64.50Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 2,883.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,795.83Postmaster (Billing) 149.60South Slope (Telephone) 34.82Page 3 of 3 Van Meter Industrial (Bulbs) 83.88Visa: (Postage) 104.84Garbage Fund Expenditures:Benton county Disposal (Tipping Fees) 710.25Johnson county Refuse (Hauling) 5,510.25(Tags) 625.00Total: 48,267.89 ___________________________________Randy BauerMayor ATTEST: ___________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMCCity Clerk