06-08-2015 City Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting June 8, 2015Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Randy Bauer.Roll Call: Goodwin, Hoskins, Huber, Kane, Plogman. None absent.Huber moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: UnanimousPlogman moved approval of the minutes from May 19, 2015 as posted and published, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the May 31, 2015 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins moved approval of the June Expenditures, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 6-15-1 authorizing City Clerk to issues warrants for expenditures that may incur late fees or discount prior to regular meeting, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Plogman introduced Resolution No. 6-15-2 approving Recognition Event Administration Policy regarding Purchase Procedures, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins introduced Resolution No. 6-15-3 Authorizing City Clerk to Transfer General Fund Revenue into Debt Service Fund for Maintenance Building Loan, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 6-15-4 setting FY 15/16 Salaries for Appointed Officers and Employees, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins introduced Resolution No. 6-15-5 setting FY 15/16 Employee Holidays, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane introduced Resolution No. 6-15-6 setting IRS Mileage Rate, seconded by Hoskins.Roll Call: Unanimous.Hoskins moved approval of the Cigarette/Tobacco Permit Renewal for Guppy’s on the Go, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the FY 15/16 Sheriff Contract, seconded by Huber. Roll Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the FY 15/16 Fairfax Library Contract, seconded by Plogman.Roll Call: Unanimous.No abatement hearing.Other areas of discussion included, but not limited to the following: Iowa League Conference, Patterson Legal action, and 1st Street Culvert Project.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:19 p.m., seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.May Building Permits Approved: Merta (Fence).Months Receipts: (General Fund) 12,365.21; (Sewer Fund) 9,885.30; (Road Use Tax) 6,610.29; (Local Option Tax) 3,220.51; (Garbage Fund) 10,194.02. Totals: 42,275.33. General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Advanced Systems (Maint/Copy) 88.76Alliant (Electric) 2,383.69Banyon Data Systems: (Software Support) 2,385.00Bauer, Randy (Salary) 1,750.00Benton County Auditor (Sheriff Fees) 2,925.00Central State Bank (Loan) 35,006.26Cincinnati Insurance (Clerk Life Insurance) 152.00City of Fairfax (Fire Services) 31,972.50(Library Services) 2,680.00City of Norway (Fire Services) 500.00Page 2 of 3 Decker Sporting Goods (Baseballs) 180.00Ellis, Gary (Salary) 3,056.92Federal Tax Payment (withholdings) 2,205.65Gee Asphalt (Crack Seal) 35,526.00Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,795.83Gazette (Publications) 93.42Goodwin, Lonny (Council Mtgs) 280.00Hart Frederick (Engineer) 302.58Hoskins, Randy (Council Mtgs) 280.00Huber, Mike (Council Mtgs) 200.00Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 49.42IPERS 1,248.87John’s Lock and Key (Locks/Keys) 805.23Kane, Jeff (Council Mtgs) 280.00Midway Outdoor Equipment (Blades) 128.10Office Express (Fax Machine) 293.99;(File Cabinets) 3,316.74; (Mops) 48.92Orkin (Hall Spray) 57.46Plogman, Brian (Council Mtgs) 280.00Plotz, Matthew (Labor) 416.00Port ”O” Jonny 353.50Postmaster (news Letter) 85.80Schrader Excavating (TIF Rebate) 2,724.59Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 275.70Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 225.00Van Meter (Bulbs) 5.96Visa Business: (BP) 435.94; (Wal-Mart) 43.81;(Theisen’s) 239.97; (Postmaster) 38.40;(Douglas Sports) 90.10Wellmark Blue Cross (Health Insurance) 6,679.38Yoder, Tim (Mileage) 109.20Sewer Fund Expenditures:Aero-Mod (Switch) 122.82Alliant (Electric) 2,391.14Central State Bank (Auto) 66.00Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 2,644.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,795.83Postmaster9Billing) 149.60South Slope (Telephone) 34.82Garbage Fund Expenditures:Benton County Disposal: (Landfill/Tipping) 12,927.75Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 5,510.25Totals: 167,665.50 Page 3 of 3 __________________________________Randy BauerMayor ATTEST:__________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMCCity Clerk