1-9-12 City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council Proceedings
Regular Meeting January 9th, 2012 Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Mark Carter.Roll Call: Goodwin, Huber, Kane, Leymaster, and Plogman were present. None absent.Plogman moved approval of the agenda, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Leymaster moved approval of the December 31st, 2011 Treasurer's Report, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of the minutes from December 12th, 2011 as posted and published, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of the January Expenditures, seconded by Leymaster. Roll Call: Ayes: 5.Motion Carried.Fire Chief, Mike Sankot was present to report on possible new truck purchase/funding sources and request for Fire Department help with setup of ice rink. Better location/level ground discussed.Kane introduced Resolution No. 1-12-1 approving the Reappointment and Compensation of City Attorney Erek, Sittig, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Huber moved approval of the IDOT/Iowa City Railway Company Grade Crossing Surface Repair Agreement, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of the reappointment of City Clerk Janet Gann, seconded by Goodwin.Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Huber moved approval of the reappointment of City Engineer, Hart-Frederick Consultants, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of one month extension of current Benton County Sheriff Contract, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Mayor and Council reviewed the 2011 Fourth Quarter Sheriff Report. Report placed on file.Brief discussion regarding FY 12/13 Budget. Budget Work Session scheduled for Monday, January 30th at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall.Kane moved approval of Iowa workforce Development Virtual Access Point, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Amy Ellis of the Park and Recreation Board was present to report on the following Recreation Programs:Baseball/softball registrations, possible league changes, score board installation and Annual Pre-Season Coaches Meeting Tuesday, February 7th . Minutes received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included, but not limited to the following: Budget items, golf cart permits and inspections, walking trail improvements and Prairie Point Community Service Project.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5.Motion Carried.December Building Permits Approved: NoneMonth's Receipts: (General Fund) 5,829.48; (Road Use Tax) 10,738.53; (Sewer Fund) 10,122.15; (Local Option Tax) 3,329.17; (Tax Increment) 2,385.25; (Garbage Fund) 8,636.94. Total: 41,041.52.General and Road Use Expenditures:Ace Electric (Generator Maint) 395.50Alliant (Electric) 2,865.22Business Forms (Office Supply) 57.25Carter, Mark (Mileage) 112.20Page 2 of 3 Ellis, Gary (Salary) 2,756.73Farmers Savings Bank (Loan Interest) 7,113.17(Box Rental) 36.00Federal Tax (Withholdings) 1,665.56Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,643.54(Mileage) 15.30Gazette (Publications) 75.14GSTC (Street Light) 120.00Hart-Frederick (Engineer) 255.00IMFOA (Dues) 30.00Iowa Office Supply (Copy Count/Lease) 54.86Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 48.93IPERS 1,024.16L.L. Pelling (Cold Patch) 47.00Menards (Supplies) 112.56Midland National Life (Insurance) 500.60Postmaster 77.53Rabe Hardware (Sign Electric) 2,648.65Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80Sherwin Williams (Paint) 204.05Sittig, Erek (Attorney) 264.50Solberg's (Plaques) 154.86South Slope (Telephone) 187.94Star Leasing (Copy Machine) 55.27Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 128.00Treasurer State (Withholdings) 246.16(Sales Tax) 6.88Visa: (Postmaster) 50.31; (Wal-Mart)53.52; (Tractor Supply) 7.92; (Storm Steel)34.11; (Staples) 65.97Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 8,270.40Sewer Fund Expenditures:Alliant (Electric) 2,248.48Altorfer Inc. (Repairs) 4,429.13Farmers Savings Bank (Auto) 42.50Furler Utilities (Maint.) 2,601.17Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,643.54Postmaster 126.73Roggentien Electric (Repair) 1,281.65Treasurer State (Sales Tax) 153.12Waste Management (Dumpster) 26.00Garbage Fund Expenditures:Waste Management (Hauling) 5,375.25Total: 49,339.16 Page 3 of 3 Salaries Paid 2011Carter, Mark 2,500.00Ellis, Gary 36,204.04Gann, Janet 38,871.00Huber, Mike 560.00Jaster, Cristopher 320.00Kane, Jeff 520.00Leymaster, Mike 40.00Patrick, Mahoney 560.00Plogman, Brian 560.00