2-7-12 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation Minutes
Regular Meeting February 7th, 2012
Meeting called to order at 7:00p.m., by Chairperson Amy Ellis.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Jaster, Meyer, and Yoder. None Absent.Ellis moved approval of the minutes from January 3rd, 2012, seconded by Jaster. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Discussion about Baseball League change. Special meeting on February 21st at 7:00 to make decision.Meyer moved approval of $300 donation for the Easter program with Farmers Savings Bank, seconded by Jaster. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.June 9th Fun Day - Jaster discussed many new ideas. Looking for volunteers.Prairie Point Volunteers 15-20 kids, April 20th, rain date April 27th. Paint dug outs at ball diamond.Ellis, moved approval of nail drag purchase $441.00, seconded by Jaster. Roll Call: Ayes 5.Motion Carried.No citizens present.Ellis moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m., seconded by Jaster. Roll Call: Ayes. 5. Motion Carried. _____________________________ ________________________Ron Gann, Secretary Amy Ellis, Chairperson