5-13-13 City Council Meeting Minutes
Regular Meeting May 13, 2013 Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Mark Carter.Roll Call: Goodwin, Hoskins, Kane, and Plogman. Huber arrived at 7:08 p.m.Kane moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Ayes: 4. Motion Carried.Kane moved approval of the April 30th, 2013 Treasurer's Report, seconded by Hoskins. Roll Call: Ayes: 4. Motion Carried.Hoskins moved approval of the April 8th , 2013 minutes as posted and published, seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 4. Motion Carried.Goodwin moved approval of the May Expenditures, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Ayes: 4.Motion Carried.No citizen comments.A Public Hearing was held at 7:07 p.m., regarding the proposed FY 12/13 Budget Amendment.No written or oral objection received.Hoskins moved to close Budget Hearing at 7:08 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 4.Motion Carried.Huber introduced Resolution No. 5-13-1 approving FY 12/13 Budget Amendment as posted and published, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Kane introduced Resolution No. 5-13-2 rescheduling the June 10th, 2013 regular meeting to June 17th, 2013, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Ayes: 5. Motion Carried.Huber moved approval of the FY 13/14 Sheriff Contract, seconded by Goodwin. Roll Call: Ayes:5.Motion Carried.No Park and Recreation Report given. Minutes received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Seal Coat work, Hwy ditch cleaning, asphalt work, city hall sign, crack & seal work, diamond light repair, and the status of the Benton County Development Group.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 p.m., seconded by Plogman. Roll Call: Ayes: 5.Motion Carried.April Building permits approved: Limkemann (Fence); Rotter (Garage).Months Receipts: (General Fund) 172,119.79; (Road Use Tax) 10,251.47; (Sewer Fund)10,287.00; (Garbage Fund) 8,541.23; (Tax Increment) 107,831.57; (Local Option Tax) 3,205.25.Total: 312,236.31.General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Ace Electric (Generator) 485.69Allegra (Printing) 403.97Alliant (Electric) 2,694.44Butz Insurance (Insurance) 431.00Ellis, Gary (Salary) 2,881.38Federal Tax Deposit 1,659.46Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,692.83(Mileage) 16.50Gazette (Publications) 357.72Heisdorffer, Dave (Refund) 25.00Iowa League of Cities (Academy Reg.) 175.00Iowa Office Supply (Copies/Lease) 65.97Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 48.97Page 2 of 2 IPERS 905.59Loesche, Holly ( Refund) 25.00Martin Flags (Flags) 251.79Menards (Gloves/Seed/Fert) 38.84Monticello Sports (Jersey's/Hats/Shirts) 3,356.00Office Express (Office/Cleaning Supplies) 102.01Pace Supply (Chalk/Clay/Paint) 300.80Postmaster 445.25Sevig Utility (Water) 26.80Sherwin Williams (Paint) 52.69South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 187.19Tiedeman, Dawn (April Janitorial) 261.00Van Meter Industrial (Ballast) 732.28Visa Business: (BP) 261.56; (Tractor Supply)36.42; (IMFOA) 18.73; (P&K Midwest) 44.05Sewer Fund Expenditures:Ace Electric (Generator) 404.05Alliant (Electric) 2,492.21Central State Bank (Auto) 45.00Furler Utilities (Testing/Maint.) 3,093.80Gann, Janet (Salary) 1,692.83Northway Well & Pump (Pumps/Parts/Labor) 10,491.85Postmaster 344.21Waste Management (dumpster) 26.00Garbage Expenditures:Waste management (Hauling) 5,557.33Expenditure Totals: 42,131.21 ________________________________Mark CarterMayor ATTEST: ________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMCCity Clerk