Feb. 11th, 2019 - City Council Meeting Minuets
Walford City Council ProceedingsRegular Meeting Monday February 11, 2019Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Pro Tem, John Pegump.Roll Call: Bergmeier, Huber, Kane, Pegump and Voss present. None absent.Huber moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Unanimous.Voss moved approval of the minutes from Monday January 14th and Monday January 28th, 2019 as posted and published, seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier moved approval of the January 31, 2019 Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Kane moved approval of the February Expenditures, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.Deputy Speth of the Linn County Sheriff’s Department was present to answer questions and concerns with monthly sheriff report. Report received and placed on file.Council reviewed FY 19/20 Budget Revenues and Expenditures for publication.Huber moved to set FY 19/20 Budget Hearing date for Monday March 11th, 2019, seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier introduced Resolution No. 2-19-1 waiving review of Garnant First Addition to Linn County, Iowa, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.Resolution 2-19-2 for Street Light Installation failed due to lack of motion. Developers responsibly.City Engineer Kelli Scott of Snyder & Associates was present to discuss 2nd Street S. project.Discussion included final cost estimate, project dates, contract incentives, moving forward with bidding process, but needing all temporary easements signed. Voss introduced Resolution No. 2-19-3 setting the Date for the Hearing and Letting and Approving the Form of Notice of Hearing on Proposed Plans, Specifications, Proposed form of Contract and Estimated Cost and Notice to Bidders for the 2nd Street S. Reconstruction Project form 1st Ave. to 4th Ave., seconded by Kane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Park and Recreation Board meeting minutes from Tuesday February 5th, 2019 were received and placed on file.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Business snow plow letter, Cintas uniform letter, unsigned resident letter, vacation/comp time/overtime pay, and other engineer project cost.Kane moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:43 p.m., seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Months Receipts: (General Fund) 2,286.70 (Sewer Fund) 13,693.11; (Road Use Tax) 15,962.36; (Local Option Tax) 3,672.50; (Tax Increment Financing) 20.23; (Garbage Fund) 10,578.31. Total Revenues: $46,213.21.January Building Permits Approved: NoneGeneral and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Alliant (Jan Electric) 3,097.31(Feb. Electric) 4,081.45Ace Electric (Generator Maint) 360.00Advanced Auto Parts (Wiper Blades) 13.84Advanced Systems (Copy Count/Maint) 97.55Auditor of State (Exam Fee) 1,200.00Central State Bank (Safety Box) 66.00Car Quest (Blades/Oil) 240.50Cintas (Uniforms/Rugs/Towels) 417.80Custom Hose & Supplies (Hose) 90.64Page 1 of 3Diedrich, Jarad (Wages) 2,769.60Ellis, Gary (Wages/Overtime) 3,762.50Evans Computer (Tec Support/Antivirus) 207.02Federal Tax Payment (Payroll) 3,637.73Future Line Truck (Blades/Shoes) 653.85Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,099.93Gazette (Publications) 106.41Holland Law Office (Attorney) 252.00Iowa Municipal Finance Officers (Dues) 50.00Iowa Department of Human Services (Support) 517.00IPERS 2,293.31Jordon’s Heating & Cooling (Furnace Maint) 449.60Lefebure, Mike (Snow Plowing) 110.00Linn County Sheriff (Fees) 9,100.00Menards (Supplies/Materials) 164.07Midland National (Life Insurance) 500.60Office Express (Office Supplies) 320.13P & K Midwest (Filters/Bulb) 68.52Port” O” Jonny (Restroom) 95.50Postmaster (News Letter) 88.55Sankot’s (Plow Repairs) 1,318.60Sevig Utility (Water) 31.60Snyder Associates (Engineer Fees) 3,432.90South Slope (Internet/Telephone) 225.47Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 117.00True Green (Safety Salt) 559.15US Cellular (Dec. Cell Correction) 67.12US Cellular (Jan. Cell Phones) 171.46Visa Business: (BP) 598.00; (Postage) 121.73(Staples) 113.46; (Tractor Supply) 283.97;(Edgewood Hardware) 7.96Voss, Bill (Cell Allowance) 50.00Welter Storage Equipment (Book Cases) 118.00Wellmark Blue Cross (Health Insurance) 2,596.61Whannel’s Hardware (Cell Phone) 374.47Sewer Fund Expenditures:Alliant (Jan. Electric) 2,233.57(Feb. Electric) 3,318.77Ace Electric (Generator) 660.82Central State Bank (Auto) 109.50Compressed Air & Equip (Belts/Oil/Filters) 1,155.47Diedrich, Jarad (Wages) 2,769.60Engineered Operations & Service (Blower Repairs) 6,299.98EMC National Life (Life Insurance) 186.00Gann, Janet (Wages) 2,099.93ION Environmental Solutions (Lab Test) 1,385.00Menards (Part) 3.87Page 2 of 3Modern Piping, Inc. (Flange Part) 460.80Postmaster (Billing) 162.75South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 100.34Visa: (Netgate) 366.06;(Edgewood Hardware) 7.48USA Bluebook (Lab Equip/Shipping) 6,177.14Garbage Fund Expenditures:Benton County Disposal (Tipping Fees) 1,275.00Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 5,742.75Total Expenditures: $81,015.74____________________________________John PegumpMayor Pro TemATTEST:____________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFOCity ClerkPage 3 of 3