Feb. 5th, 2019 - Park and Recreation Minutes
Walford Park and Recreation MinutesRegular Meeting Tuesday February 5, 2019Meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Chairperson Tom Meyers.Roll Call: Gann, Lane, Meyers present. Reed and Miner were absent.Meyers moved approval of the January 8, 2019 minutes as posted, seconded by Lane. Roll Call: Unanimous.Discussion with coach’s present included but not limited to the following: Schedules, team size, equipment, concession stand volunteers, and uniforms.Funds to be appropriated at the March meeting.Meyers moved to adjourn the meeting 8:15 p.m., seconded by Lane. Roll Call: Unanimous._________________________________Tom MeyersChairpersonATTEST:_________________________________Ronnie Gann