Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes 8-1-17
Walford Park and Recreation MinutesRegular Meeting August 1, 2017Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Chairperson Amy Ellis.Roll Call: Ellis, Gann, Meyers, Miner, Reed. None absent.Ellis moved approval of the Minutes from June 6th, 2017, seconded by Meyers. Roll Call: Unanimous.Board discussed the installation of new playground equipment at Knapp Creek Park.Gann moved to purchase pea gravel for base $2,000.00, seconded by Minor. Roll Call: Unanimous.Board discussed rail road ties and mulch to fix North Park and East Park.Gann to seek estimates for roof’s.Meeting adjourned at 8:32 p.m.____________________________Amy EllisChairpersonATTEST:____________________________Ronnie GannSecretary