November 3rd, 2020 – Walford Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes

Walford Park and Recreation Minutes

Regular Meeting                                                                                                        Tuesday November 3, 2020

Meeting called to order at 7:01 pm.  Davis, Lane, Primmer, Miner, Gann present.


Motion to approve October minutes by Gann, seconded by Primmer. Approved unanimous.


Christmas party - Discussion included preparing kits for kids ahead of December 5th.  Lane to contact Amy Symonds at CSB to inquire about support and post to Facebook for anyone interested in volunteering to help.

Lane to confirm the Santa, discussion included providing a socially distant Santa visit.  If Santa cannot be scheduled then discussion included proceeding with prepared goodie bags for kids.

 Motion by Gann to allocate $800 for purchase of goodie bag items for Christmas party.  Seconded by Davis.  Approved unanimous.


Picnic table purchase from Iowa Prison Industries - delayed due to reduced operations with Covid cases.  Paint color options to be defined, blue is preferred and likely available.



Regarding ball diamond lights - awaiting an insurance report from mayor.

Discussion included planning for batting cage replacement net and maintenance of existing structure supporting net - to be planned for in early spring.  Replacement L screen needed as well.  


Motion to adjourn by Miner.  Seconded by Lane.  Meeting adjourned 7:39 pm.


Jennifer Lane




Pat Miner
