August 1st, 2023 - Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes

Walford Park and Recreation Minutes

Regular Meeting                                                                                                Tuesday August 1st, 2023


Meeting called to order at 7:02pm.  Lane, Heber, Hebert, Miner, Davis present


Motion by Hebert to approve July 11, 2023 minutes.  Seconded by Lane.  Approved unanimous.


Discussion/action regarding additional facility planning for City Park.

Discussion included feedback from Fun Days attendees/participants, however not fully representative of community at large.  Possible action to send a mailer to Walford residents with a QR code in order to provide an equal opportunity for the community to help in selecting short and long-term resource planning.  Lane to propose list of categories to include as selection options.


Davis awaiting quotes for potential addition of second pickle ball court.  Decision on proceeding will depend on results of community-wide feedback survey.


Discussion/action regarding Halloween Party.  Review of order history and budgeted amount.  Motion by Hebert to allocate $500 for Halloween party purchases.  Seconded by Davis.  Approved unanimous.


Discussion/action regarding Walford Fun Days.  Favorable comments regarding flyer for fund raising.  Discussion included review of the budgeted amount and preliminary ideas for 2024.  Committee has plans for monthly fundraising events to continue momentum for Fun Days. 


General equipment/grounds/maintenance

Ash tree between batting cage and large ball diamond is now dead and requires removal

Additional dirt required around concrete pads at pickeball and basketball courts

Bench near toddler swing needs replacement.

Main park picnic table paint is coming off and requires repainting

Tree in SE corner of Knapp Creek park requires trimming as it is encroaching into private residents' yards


Citizen Comments

Suggestion to plant flowers in the area where the large tree was removed.


Motion to adjourn by Miner.  Seconded by Lane.  Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm.


__________________________________ Jennifer Lane,  Chairperson



__________________________________ Pat Miner,  Secretary 


parks & recTyce Hoskins