August 8th, 2023 - City Council Meeting Minutes

Walford City Council Proceedings


Regular Meeting                                                                                                              August 8, 2023


Meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss

Roll Call: Grimm, Voss, Carter, Ellis & Greiner

Grimm moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous

Grimm moved approval of the minutes from July 11th, 2023, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Grimm, Carter & Voss. Ellis & Greiner abstained

Greiner moved approval of the July 31st Treasurers Report, seconded by Ellis

Roll call: Unanimous

Greiner moved approval of the August Expenditures, seconded by Carter. Roll Call: Unanimous

Linn County Sheriff’s report dated July 11th, 2023 through August 8th, 2023 was received & placed on file. There were 21 calls for service. Deputy Tindal was onsite to deliver

Several citizens were present to request the city look into flood mitigation. Council addressed concerns & will revisit Middle Iowa Watershed Management Authority 28E Agreement. 

Members of Walford Fun Committee were present to discuss facility use options

Ellis moved approval of the June 30th 2023 State Outstanding Obligation Report, seconded by Grimm Roll call: Unanimous

Chad McCleary presented the ION Wastewater Treatment Plant operations report

Greiner moved to award Jordan’s Heating & Cooling estimate for $12,850.00 for replacing the HVAC, seconded by Ellis. Roll call: Unanimous

Grimm moved to proceed with posting for a Full Time Maintenance Position, seconded by Greiner. Roll call: Greiner, Grimm, Voss & Carter. Ellis abstained

Parks & Rec July/August minutes received and placed on file

Grimm moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:05pm, seconded by Ellis. Roll Call: Unanimous

Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 11,996.31; (Sewer Fund) 21,085.77 (Garbage Fund) 12,501.19

(Road Use Tax) 15,351.77 Total Revenue 60,935.04

General & Road Use Tax Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 3160.56

BP (Gas) 494.31

BSN Sports (Parks) 135.00

Brown, Chessa (Janitorial Services) 141.75

City Laundering (Towels/Uniforms/Rugs) 311.00

City of Van Horne (League Dues) 80.00

Ellis, Gary (Wages) 4352.00

Evans Computer (Office/Tech Support) 350.46

Federal Tax Payment (Withholdings) 2854.04

Gazette (Publications) 160.02

Gordon Flesch Co. (Copy Count/Maint) 62.73

Holland Law (Legal Services) 227.50

IIMC (Member Dues) 185.00

IPERS (Withholdings) 1960.14

Jordan’s Heating & Cooling (AC Repairs) 228.50

Linn Co Sheriff (Q1 FY24) 10,400.00

LRS Portables (Restrooms) 412.50

Menards (Shop) 37.88 (Parks) 29.78

Midway Outdoor (Cap) 20.17

Miller, Dan (Wages) 3880.00

Orkin (Pest Control) 149.98

P&K Midwest (Mower Blades) 123.72

Richardt, Tami (Wages) 4409.60 (Mileage) 155.89

Sevig Utility (Water) 55.00

South Slope (Phone/Internet) 317.84

The Hartford (Group Life Insurance) 65.40

Trugreen (Spraying) 2195.50

United Healthcare (Insurance) 794.36

US Cellular (Cell Phone) 161.43

Visa (USPS) 71.13 (Zoom) 15.99 (Clerk Institute) 708.30

Voss, Bill (Cell Allowance) 50.00 

Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 77.98

Sewer Fund Expenditures:

Alliant (Electric) 2877.02

Campbell Supply (WWTF Parts) 152.19

IDNR (NPDES Permit) 210.00

Iowa Dept of Revenue (Monthly Sales Tax) 169.48

Iowa One Call (Locates) 43.20

ION (Operations) 4550.00

Jetco (Transducer) 1758.00

Postmaster (Billing/462) 235.62 (Postage) 13.86

South Slope (Phone/Internet) 106.46

Garbage Fund Expenditures:

Benton Co Solid Waste (Tipping Fees) 848.70 (Q1 Landfill) 5876.00

Central State Bank (ACH Fees) 113.50

Johnson Co Refuse (Hauling/466) 7922.00 

Expenditure Totals:  63,711.49


_______________________________ Bill Voss, Mayor




________________________________Tami Richardt, City Clerk