July 9, 2018 City Council Meeting Minutes
Walford City Council ProceedingsRegular Meeting Monday July 9, 2018Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m., by Mayor Bill Voss.Roll Call: Bergmeier, Huber, Pegump, Voss present. Kane was absent.Huber moved approval of the agenda as posted, seconded by Pegump. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier moved approval of the minutes from June 11, 2018 as posted and published, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the June 30, 2018 Treasurer Report, seconded by Pegump. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval of the July expenditures, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.Linn County Deputy Steffens was present to answer questions and presented Sheriff Report.A Public Hearing was held at 7:11 p.m. regarding Sanitary Sewer Rate Increase. No written or oral objections received.Pegump moved to close the Sewer Rate Increase Hearing at 7:12 p.m., seconded by Huber. Roll Call: Unanimous.Pegump introduce Ordinance No. 211 amending the Walford Code of Ordinances 2017 by amending Chapter 99, Section 99.02 Sanitary Sewer Rates on its First Reading, seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Unanimous.Second reading shall be on Monday August 13, 2018.Huber introduced Resolution No. 7-18-1 authorizing City Clerk to Transfer Tax Increment Financing Funds into General Fund for Reimbursement of Bond Attorney Fees, seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Unanimous.Pegump introduced Resolution No. 7-18-2 approving Monthly Cell Phone Allowance for Mayor, seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Aye: Bergmeier, Huber, Pegump. Abstain: Voss. Motion Carried.2nd Street & 1st Avenue W. Culvert Improvement Project was tabled.Bergmeier moved approval of the D Street NE and Erusha Drive Storm Sewer Repair, seconded by Pegump. Roll Call: Unanimous.Pegump moved approval of the LL Pelling Seal Coat Proposal, seconded by Bergmeier. Roll Call: Unanimous.Bergmeier moved approval of the FY 17/18 State Outstanding General Obligation Report, seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.Huber moved approval to proceed with state and city code changes with Iowa Codification, seconded by Pegump. Roll Call: Unanimous.Mayor and Council discussed adoption of state electrical and plumbing codes for possible inspections on new and existing construction projects. Discussion also included 28E Inspection Agreement with the City of Fairfax.Bergmeier moved approval of the appointment of Jim Brown to the Board of Adjustment, seconded by Pegump. Roll Call: Unanimous.Resident was present to voice concerns with fireworks. Discussion included the length of days and hours. Council will revisit the ordinance.Other areas of discussion included but not limited to the following: Empty lot plan, children playing in streets, Cowboy Church permit expiration.Huber moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m., seconded by Voss. Roll Call: Unanimous.May Building Permit Approved: Bergmeier (Deck); Winter (Driveway); Davis (Shed).June Building Permits Approved: Law (Pole Building); LaGrande (Solar Panel); Quint (Fence); Bowman(Deck); Hidinger (Shed); Huggins (Fence); Seipel (Driveway).Page 1 of 2Month’s Receipts: (General Fund) 6,233.92; (Sewer Fund) 11,185.22; (Garbage Fund) 9,799.76; (Road Use Tax) 14,377.03; (Local Option Tax) 3,749.46. Total Revenue: 45,345.39General and Road Use Tax Expenditures:Advanced Systems (Copy/Maint) 53.47Alliant (Electric) 5,914.04 Barnyard Creations (Lettering) 70.00Butz Insurance (Truck Policy) 836.00Cintas (Uniforms/Towels/Rugs) 177.32Des Moines Register (Publications) 74.54Ellis, Gary (Salary) 3,440.62(Gas) 25.00Evans Computer (TEC Support/ICloud) 92.55Federal Tax Payment 3,126.49G & H Electric (Water Heater) 235.08Gann, Janet (Salary) 2,021.21Gazette (Publications) 216.24(Subscription) 443.89Grainger (Motor) 27.00Iowa League of Cities (Dues) 1,029.00Iowa Prison Industries (Signs) 60.00Iowa Wireless (Cell Phone) 49.51IPERS (Withholdings) 1,348.34John Deere (Mower) 9,303.91Manatt’s (Blocks) 1,600.00Menards (Materials) 152.49Midway Outdoor Equipment (Belts) 110.15Office Express (Office Supplies) 223.67Orkin (Hall Spray) 59.71Port”O”Jonny (Restrooms) 286.50Postmaster (News Letter) 85.80Rick, Howard (Labor) 1,590.00Sankot’s Garage (Repairs) 97.50Sevig Utility (Water) 30.78Solberg’s (Trophies) 270.00Snyder Associates (Engineer) 1,562.75South Slope (Telephone/Internet) 243.16Temple Display (Christmas Deco.) 5,999.99THYS Chevrolet Group (Truck) 13,500.00Tiedeman, Dawn (Janitorial) 243.00Treasurer of State (Quarter Withholdings) 1,054.22(Quarter Sales Tax) 94.60Visa Business: (BP) 667.06; (Wal-Mart) 95.61;(Suburban Lumber) 213.15; (Postage) 110.00;(League of Cities) 205.00Voss, Bill (Cell Phone) 50.00Wellmark Blue Cross (Insurance) 1,024.56Sewer Fund Expenditures:Alliant (Electrical) 6,459.61Page 2 of 3Benton County Treasurer (Collection Fee) 5.00Furler Utilities (Maint/Testing) 3,024.46Gann, Janet (Salary) 2,021.21John’s Lock & key (Keys) 17.94Postmaster (Billing) 155.75South Slope (Telephone) 39.84Treasurer of State (Quarter Sales Tax) 165.24Garbage Fund Expenditures:Benton County Disposal (Tipping) 1,226.50Central State Bank (Auto) 107.50Johnson County Refuse (Hauling) 5,742.75(Yard Waste) 312.40Total Expenditures: 77,294.61_______________________________Bill VossMayorATTEST:________________________________Janet L. Gann, MMC, IaCMC, IaCMFOCity ClerkPage 3 of 3